Parking in Grundäckergasse (surface) - Vienna | APCOA | APCOA

Car park (surface) Grundäckergasse (surface) - Vienna | APCOA


Grundäckergasse 36-38
, 1100 Vienna

Parking tariff

to €26.00 per day

Opening Hours

Mon - Sun
Open all day

Quick information

Total Spaces
Grundäckergasse (surface) - Vienna | APCOA-1
Grundäckergasse (surface) - Vienna | APCOA-2

Parking options

Parking Tariff

First 90 minutes free with ticket, each additional hour 2.60 €

Daily maximum (maximum rate for 24 hours) 26.00 €

ATTENTION: please observe the respective terms of use for the allowed uninterrupted parking time (up to 14 days).

Car Park Description

This parking lot is located in the 10th district of Vienna.

Nearby you will find Heurigen, cafes, restaurants, as well as a few shopping facilities.

This parking lot is open around the clock and offers a flexible parking option day and night.


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